Whitmore, Clara H. Woman's Work in English Fiction from the Restoration to the Mid-Victorian Period. New York: Putnam's, 1910.

TOC: Margaret Cavendish; Aphra Behn; Mary Manley; Sarah Fielding; Eliza Haywood; Charlotte Lennox; Frances Sheridan; Frances Burney; Hannah More; Charlotte Smith; Elizabeth Inchbald; Clara Reeve; Ann Radcliffe; Sophia Lee; Harriet Lee; Maria Edgeworth; Lady Morgan; Elizabeth Hamilton; Anna Porter; Hane Porter; Amelia Opie; Mary Brunton; Jane Austen; Susan Edmonstone Ferrier; Mary Russell Mitford; Anna Maria Hall; Lady Caroline Lamb; Mary Shelley; Catherine Grace Frances Gore; Anna Eliza Bray; Julia Pardoe; Frances Trollope; Harriet Martineau; Emily Bronte; Anne Bronte; Charlotte Bronte; Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell.

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